Investing in Our Commonwealth

KAED partners with individuals and businesses from across Kentucky to create a vast network of economic development resources and expertise.

Our Sponsors


  • Kentucky-League-of-Cities logo
  • Kentucky Power logo
  • LG&E KU
  • Team-Kentucky-Cabinet-for-Economic-Development logo
  • tva logo


  • Big-Rivers-Electric-Corporation logo
  • Kentucky League of Cities
  • Louisville Water


  • AT&T_logo
  • Atmos Energy logo
  • Columbia-Gas-of-Kentucky
  • duke_energy logo
  • sked logo

Educational Partners

  • Murray State University logo
  • University of Kentucky logo


KentuckyUnited will share the Commonwealth’s business advantages and opportunities with market-based site selection consultants and business decision makers. KentuckyUnited is a KAED-based economic development marketing program through which representatives from the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development and KAED partner to market the Commonwealth as a business location.

bod-kyu-attendee 2023
bod-kyu-attendee 2023 mobile image

I have found invaluable community in KAED. I hope you will join this meaningful association of Kentuckians working hard to make our Commonwealth a place where everyone can flourish.

Haley McCoy

Code of Ethics

The Kentucky Association for Economic Development is the Commonwealth’s premier professional development provider, a meaningful partner in Kentucky’s economic development, an advocate for ethics in the profession, and the voice of practitioners for state and federal governmental affairs.

KAED has adopted the International Economic Development Council Code of Ethics “to ensure a high ethical standard for those involved in economic development.” KAED members are required to review the Code upon confirming and renewing membership with the Kentucky Association for Economic Development.

Kentucky Economic Developers Shall:

  • 1

    Carry out their responsibilities in a manner to bring respect to the profession, the economic developer and the economic developer’s constituencies.

  • 2

    Practice with integrity, honesty, and adherence to the trust placed in them both in fact and in appearance.

  • 3

    Hold themselves free of any interest, influence, or relationship in respect to any professional activity when dealing with clients which could impair professional judgment or objectivity or which in the reasonable view of the observer, has that effect.

  • 4

    Be mindful that they are representatives of the community and shall represent the overall community interest.

  • 5

    Carry out their responsibilities in a manner to bring respect to the profession, the economic developer and the economic developer’s constituencies.

  • 6

    Practice with integrity, honesty, and adherence to the trust placed in them both in fact and in appearance.

  • 7

    Hold themselves free of any interest, influence, or relationship in respect to any professional activity when dealing with clients which could impair professional judgment or objectivity or which in the reasonable view of the observer, has that effect.

  • 8

    Be mindful that they are representatives of the community and shall represent the overall community interest.

Become a Member

Membership in KAED is a great way to network with economic developers from across the state, create relationships that build resources, broaden your expertise in the field, and serve as an advocate for your business community’s growth.

Membership Directory + Job Postings

KAED members will have access to the membership directory allowing you to connect and network with other members.


Conference speakers present valuable information and instruction that should live past their session. KAED members will have access to previous presentations from conferences, summits, and webinars.


Providing continuing education is a top priority at KAED. Relative topics for  newcomers and seasoned professionals are offered throughout the year.

KAED By-Laws

Access the KAED By-Laws here for more information about the organization’s governance structure and processes.